Precious Blood Parish Missions is a joint ministry of the
Missionaries of the Precious Blood (United States Province)
Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton and O'Fallon Communities)
Adorers of the Blood of Christ (United States Region)
Founded in 2002, Precious Blood Parish Missions seeks to share the spirituality of the Precious Blood with the People of God through the preaching of Parish Missions and Retreats that inspire people to grow closer to the Savior who shed his blood for us.
Several of our preachers are bilingual (English and Spanish) and are able to preach a Parish Mission or retreat in Spanish. A bilingual format is also available, with both language groups together for the Introductory Rites, Ritual and Concluding Rites, but separately for the Liturgy of the Word.

Inspired by the preaching ministry of Saint Gaspar del Bufalo—who sought to renew the Church by preaching parish missions and retreats throughout what is today central Italy in the early 19th century—and Saint Maria de Matias— who initially taught and reached out to women and girls in order to share the blessings of the faith with them and was later “accused of preaching”—as well as the spirituality shared by Maria Anna Brunner and Theresa Weber, members and associate members of the communities they founded join together to share their common spirituality with people of faith throughout the United States and beyond.
The preachers of Precious Blood Parish Missions proclaim God’s abundant love for all and celebrate God’s unbounded mercy with people longing to hear the Good News of our salvation in Christ and through his Precious Blood.
They believe that God’s Word can and does change lives—even the lives of children. So part of every mission focuses on sharing our faith with the children, as well as visiting the elders of the parish who might not be able to come to the mission.